Get Precise with your nutrition

How am I supposed to eat?

With so many different dietary plans out there, how are you supposed to know how to eat?  Or what to eat? Ketogenic, paleo, low carb?  Have you tried changing how you eat with intermittent fasting or other methods?  Still aren’t sure how to really integrate these changes into your busy life?  Have you done everything you can think of to lose weight and just can’t?

Do all diet plans work?

The answer is that they don’t work for everyone, every time.  The people that blog on Facebook and show enviable Instagram photos of their weight loss are the few that fall statistically somewhere in the right range of success.  Those diets will always work for some people, some of the time.  These are the success stories that hook us into believing it’ll work for us.

Achieving sustainable weight loss is about understanding your life, your needs, and your unique situation.  If you are a 50-year old woman going through perimenopause your dietary needs and lifestyle are going to be different than a 27-year-old new mom trying to lose her pregnancy weight.  It’s about making progress with a few small changes each week, not about leaping full-on into complete life changes and expecting to succeed.  Maybe you’ve noticed that an “all or nothing” attitude can cripple your efforts.

Make a plan.

I encourage you to approach an eating plan with an open mind.  Don’t be a leaper, have a healthy dose of skepticism when it comes to changing your life and habits.  Maybe you’ve tried enough times that you’ve learned not to leap.  But that could also be holding you back from stepping in prepared, armed with personal intention and motivation, and real research-based knowledge.

Help is available - if you need support.

I bridge the gap between confusing health and dietary information and what works best for your life, body, and personal goals.  I give expert, specific guidance whether you are just trying to lose a few (or many) pounds or get ready for a marathon.  But this isn’t just about me telling you what to do - it’s also about you participating in personal research necessary for success.

It’s not just what you eat. There’s more. Much more.

Because it’s not just about what you eat.  It’s how.  And sometimes why.  And with whom.   And even when and where!

If you can’t yet work out new plans on your own, I’m available to help you. In my medical practice, I use coaching techniques to support you. Contact me when you are ready!

Tammy Jett-Parmer