Environmental and Functional Medicine = The Practice of Finding the Root Cause

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Why has no medical professional been able to diagnose what’s wrong with you?  Have you been to numerous practitioners and been told “your lab work looks great, there’s nothing wrong” when you know there is something wrong?  Have you been dismissed, and told “it’s all in your head”?

 When you approach someone for help, then last thing you want to hear is that 'you don’t need it'.

Do you resonate with any of the following issues?

  • I have zero energy and too much stress.

  • My body weight is much higher than I’m comfortable with.

  • I just can’t sleep well anymore. It’s really impacting my life.

  • My joints and muscles ache and are stiff. I’m too young to feel this way!

  • I feel depressed and/or anxious, but why?

  • I just don’t feel like myself any more after having children.

You are not alone, and you are NOT wrong. 

You need a body whisperer:  a listening ear, a partner interested in getting to the root cause of this suffering, so you can get your life back in some measure.  This is what environmental and functional medicine is, and what is does for you. 

Environmental Medicine is one way to get at the root cause.  Our internal and external environments affect every aspect of our lives.  Do you have unexplained allergies?  Do foods that you used to eat without challenges now wreak havoc with your digestion? Do you have a foggy brain and just can’t find the words and memories that seemed so easy to access in the past?  Have you had an illness that sent your life spiraling down?  Has trauma and stress created what seem to be insurmountable roadblocks to success?

Issues for Environmental and Functional Medicine:

  • Allergies and food sensitivities

  • Mold exposure

  • Increased sensitivities to chemicals, pesticides, smog, and other common surroundings

  • Exposure to chronic infections

  • Genetic differences making you more susceptible to illnesses and vitamin deficiencies

  • Decreasing ability to weather normal life stress

You deserve the long appointments... 

These issues aren’t so readily diagnosed in a 15-minute doctor visit or on a cholesterol panel.  Your life and history are vital to uncovering why you have been feeling "off" .  You need time to tell your story - that’s why I spend 60 minutes with you in a first medical interview.  Follow ups last 30-45 minutes.    

There is hope, and you still have it if you are reading this now.  I believe you will feel better.  I’ve seen it happen many, many times.  It will take real effort.  Real life change.  Courage.  Strength.  And I guarantee you will feel supported in this journey every step of the way.

Please contact me securely using the Contact form, and we’ll get you feeling better as soon as possible.

Tammy Jett-Parmer